Why Quantiphi is an IDC Innovator

With demonstrated expertise in creating an industrialized, IP-driven approach to build customized AI solutions and drive business transformation at scale, Quantiphi offers innovative advanced analytics solutions to the customers.

Quantiphi has a broad portfolio of repeatable IP and accelerators, and strong partnerships with major AI technology providers, such as Google, AWS, and NVIDIA, that enable us to assemble and scale AI solutions for customers in a variety of industries, leveraging a talent pool of industry analysts, cloud/data engineers, and ML engineers.

Key Differentiators

Unique IP-driven approach to building customized AI solutions

Unique IP-driven approach to building customized AI solutions
Repository of micro-agents that perform specialized tasks

Repository of micro-agents that perform specialized tasks (sight, sound,language, and pattern) for developing customized solutions
Qognition AI

Qognition.AI, Quantiphi's orchestration platform for MLOps, enables assembling, training, validating, and monitoring AI solutions at scale