webinar-1 Webinar
Accelerate your research with AI

AI technologies can advance scientific research across disciplines, leading to significant social and economic benefits. In the digital age where vast amounts of data are scattered across systems, AI enables scientists and researchers to perform complex analyses faster and derive accurate insights seamlessly across departments and datasets.

Quantiphi combines AI expertise with Google Cloud’s robust computing infrastructure to redefine research across scientific frontiers. To realize the full potential of these AI solutions, the entire system, from the way we develop strategies and solutions for students to the way traditional research is performed, has to evolve.

Join Quantiphi & Google Cloud in this virtual session to learn how:

  • Intelligent data lakes and Federated Learning can aid research
  • AI tools can help researchers to parse, analyze and assess vast quantities of research papers
  • AI can make reporting and documenting experiments easier

  • Calendar@2x-1March 30, 2022
  • noun_Time_3836146-1 12:30 PM EST
  • noun_duration_1729065-1 45 mins



Phil Dasilva_G

Phil Dasilva

Higher education account executive, Google Cloud

Manu Saxena

Manu Saxena

Country Lead, Quantiphi

Harish Paruvada

Harish Paruvada

Program Manager, Quantiphi